Saturday, September 20, 2008
Born to be an ArTEEst!!
I love to hear about what my kids did and learned in school each day. Sometimes I am amazed at the things that they are taught and remember!! I also love it when they bring home projects they have completed, especially art. I have always been a big fan of art. As a child it was always my favorite thing to do in school, and that love has always stayed with me. I enjoy watching my kids produce art, and enjoy sharing my love with them. The other day Josh came home with this little work of art. Just looking at their work makes my heart smile. My kids sometimes think I am crazy because I seriously get so excited about their artwork. Anyway, Josh brought this painting he had done home, and of course, I gushed all about it. I really love it, and love how well he did! He made good use of colors, and you can tell what the picture is. He seems to be very talented (no, I'm not biased at ALL!!), and better yet, shares my love of art. Way to go Josh!! LOVE it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
the time has come, for... what?
With the kids being in school, I have a lot of extra time on my hands. I really don't know what I was so worried about... I worried that with them gone I would get bored, miss them too much, and just be plain miserable. That has so not been the case!! I have enjoyed and LOOK FORWARD to my time home with no kids. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to pieces, and would prefer them to be home, but I haven't been miserable at all when they aren't. I have found time to keep the house clean, plan dinners, take a shower, put on makeup, read a book, and just enjoy being ME!!! This has been very good for me! I think also knowing that with a baby on the way, and that this time alone won't last too long also helps, and I am sure trying to bask in and enjoy every moment I can, because I know that this time 'alone' won't last very long. I think that moms and women in general need to take better care of themselves, and find time to do so. Find whatever it is that makes you feel like you, and then find the time to do it!! I promise that the rewards will be worth the sacrifice!! Good luck, and ENJOY!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Fall on its Way

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008
ANOTHER Addition?
When Ryan read that last post he could not stop LAUGHING!! I titled it 'new addition' so he totally thought I was going to make a DIFFERENT announcement, and was shocked when he read what I really wrote. So here it is, the big announcement!! We are expecting a NEW ADDITION to our family, in March. Not another dog, lol, but a baby!! I am almost 14 weeks a long, and the baby is due the end of March. We are ECSTATIC!! I know we waited a long time for the announcement, but we wanted to make sure everything was well with the baby beforehand. SO, in another couple of months we will be able to have an ultrasound and decipher the GENDER of this baby. We will definitely keep you updated!! :)
When Ryan read that last post he could not stop LAUGHING!! I titled it 'new addition' so he totally thought I was going to make a DIFFERENT announcement, and was shocked when he read what I really wrote. So here it is, the big announcement!! We are expecting a NEW ADDITION to our family, in March. Not another dog, lol, but a baby!! I am almost 14 weeks a long, and the baby is due the end of March. We are ECSTATIC!! I know we waited a long time for the announcement, but we wanted to make sure everything was well with the baby beforehand. SO, in another couple of months we will be able to have an ultrasound and decipher the GENDER of this baby. We will definitely keep you updated!! :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
We have a NEW ADDITION to our family!! She is OH SO CUTE!!!
The other day Ryan came home from work, and asked if I would like a DOG. We had never really considered having a pet before, they are a lot of work!! Someone Ryan works with is moving into a place where they can't have pets, and wanted to find their little girl a good home. The kids absolutely adore her. Her previous owner had named her Kandy, and so we decided just to stick with that. She is very good with the kids, and just as important HOUSE TRAINED! WAHOO!! We have loved having Kandy around, and I am sure there will be some great pics to post soon with the kids and her.
The other day Ryan came home from work, and asked if I would like a DOG. We had never really considered having a pet before, they are a lot of work!! Someone Ryan works with is moving into a place where they can't have pets, and wanted to find their little girl a good home. The kids absolutely adore her. Her previous owner had named her Kandy, and so we decided just to stick with that. She is very good with the kids, and just as important HOUSE TRAINED! WAHOO!! We have loved having Kandy around, and I am sure there will be some great pics to post soon with the kids and her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I have learned about myself that I have a hard time with CHANGE! It doesn't matter if it is a big change, or a little change, I need time to readjust. I got used to our summer schedule very quickly, and I don't remember a summer ever going by so fast. Now that school is again in session I must again readjust my schedule. Although I have been lucky that we haven't been late to school yet, it has been a struggle for me. Part of it is I think I just hate admitting to myself that I have a child OLD ENOUGH to be GOING to school! Where has the time gone? I am slowly learning that the kids (and myself) NEED now to go to bed earlier, so they can wake up on time in the morning. Fix lunches the night before, stay up on the laundry, all those good things that I became lazy at during the summer are now coming back and calling my name. Don't worry, I will be okay, I just need TIME. Rather than keep denying, I will instead bask! I will enjoy my kids each day, crazy schedule and all. Yes they are growing up, but we still have time before they move out!! So I will enjoy that time and these years I have with them, while also trying to STOP time in my own ways.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The time is?...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
BACK to school!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008
plum tired
This summer must have been a long busy one, or at least EXHAUSTING!! The reason I say that is because there has been a lot of sleeping going on around here! Pictures say more than words, so let me just show you...
My neice
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bear Lake

Oh I just LOVE to take pictures... of just about anything, and everything!! Except, I like to try and get different angles, not so much the straight on cheesy smile-like pics. In fact, I don't take a lot of head shots. I love to take scenery pics, those are my fave, but then I like to mix it up. So what did I take a picture of, you ask? Yes, our feet!!! But not just any feet, these are happy at the beach feet. :)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Mary Had a Little Lamb...
Introducing the newest member of the family! On August 11 my sister Liz gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl!! We couldn't be more thrilled with her! Here is a scrapbook page I made...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My sister volunteered to have the kids spend the night so that I could have some much needed alone time with my sweetie. It was amazing to say the least. We spent the day in the beauteous canyon, and were able to watch the sunset over the mountain side. Of course I had to capture it on film! I could not breathe, it was so absolutely beautiful! I loved especially that I was able to share this wonderful experience with my husband, who means the world to me. He has been extremely busy as of late, so I was thrilled to have this time with him.
I am so very grateful for the beautiful world that we live. I often take for granted the many miracles provided me. As we were hiking in the canyon I could not stop thinking of how I never take the time to just look around me. I am sure that if I were to do so I would often be in awe at how beautiful everything is. In this state we are able to experience even more as the scenery changes with the seasons. Quite the miracle!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
water fun
We love where we live, we have some fantastic neighbors. And what is the greatest is that there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood, so both Amy and Josh have plenty of friends! The other day I watched our neighbor girls Missy and Bella, and the girls had so much fun together!! They spent most of their time out side playing in the pool, and being crazy in the sprinklers.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
freedom to celebrate, with fireworks!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

the finished product
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
With the weather being so miserably hot these days, I have been trying to find some fun new indoor activities for the kids. It had been awhile since my kids had sat down together at the table with a box of crayons, and coloring pages. I was amazied that they enjoyed this activity so well, and how long it kept them entertained. I loved watching them as they concentrated on their pictures, and as they decided which color to use and where. They laughed and talked together, and I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes the most simple of things turn out to be the greatest treasures.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Camp trip
We went camping with some friends. They all brought their children with them, so Amy and Josh had a lot of kids to play with. Our site was near water, which provided them hours of fun. The scenery was beautiful, and the weather cooperated. It was cooler up the canyon, and it felt very refreshing. It was difficult convincing the kids that it was time to come home. We want to go again! I took a ton of pictures, here is a sample of a few. What a wonderful time for us to remember.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Family Fun Night!!
We have loved living in a small town, they provide a lot of fun things for families. With all the festivities going on in July they provide what they call "Family Fun Night!" And it lives up to the title, we all had a load of fun. This is a shot of Amy and a friend after they had their faces painted. What ferocious kitties! We were also able to enjoy some live music, pony rides, hot dogs, carnival games, bobbing for apples, water fun, blowup slides, and to top it all off? Fireworks!! To make this day even more "fun" is that most of the activities were absolutely free!

They had a drawing, and this is the prize that I won. Yay, more family fun!!

They had a drawing, and this is the prize that I won. Yay, more family fun!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Let's give it a Try
Here we are, trying to keep up with the crazy world of technology. I am glad I do not get a grade for this, or I would get a big wopping F for sure. But here's for trying. There is not much to report at this time... but there will be more info later. I just wanted to get the word out that I am starting this blog!! So, until next time!
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